14 10, 2020

Unicorn Mini Sessions

2020-11-20T22:37:49-06:00October 14th, 2020|

Unicorn Mini Sessions by Tiffany Harston Photography

Create a magical experience for your kiddo while helping an amazing organization!

14 10, 2020

Unicorn Mini Sessions by Tiffany Harston Photography

2020-10-27T15:12:42-05:00October 14th, 2020|

UNICORN MINI SESSIONS Create a magical experience for your kiddo while helping an amazing organization with Unicorn Mini Sessions by Tiffany Harston Photography!

30 05, 2020

SIRE Re-Opens Spring Location

2020-06-17T16:21:31-05:00May 30th, 2020|

Several weeks ago, SIRE sent surveys to riders, volunteers and staff asking for their feedback about if and when SIRE is able to re-open, would they return and what precautions they would like to see in place. The response was overwhelming! So many riders are ready to be back in the saddle at

28 05, 2020

ZOOM ZOOM! What’s New at SIRE?

2020-06-17T16:22:05-05:00May 28th, 2020|

SIRE has been utilizing the group video conference call services of ZOOM to stay connected with its riders, volunteers and staff. Recently, Joe Wappelhorst, Shayna Bolton and Helen Evans hosted a ZOOM call with the volunteers and riders to update them about the types of activities they have been doing during

20 04, 2020

Bringing Horsemanship Sessions into the Home

2020-06-17T16:23:37-05:00April 20th, 2020|

While SIRE locations may be closed to our riders and volunteers, our Site Managers and Instructors are creating a way to bring the sessions into the homes or

our SIRE riders. With the help of technology, the SIRE staff schedule several times during the week to connect virtually with riders and volunteers. During these

17 04, 2020

COVID-19 and Its Impact on SIRE

2020-06-17T16:30:14-05:00April 17th, 2020|

This past week Executive Director Joe Wappelhorst provided a brief update to donors, foundations and corporations about the financial impact COVID-19 has had on SIRE and what the financial forecast looks like in the immediate and long-term future. Please click below to watch the presentation he shared and listen to his remarks. If you

31 03, 2020

March 2020 Message from Board President

2020-06-15T14:31:10-05:00March 31st, 2020|

Dear SIRE Family:

After a tremendous amount of thought, anguish and guidance, SIRE leadership has decided our operations should remain closed until we are confident we can provide services in a manner that is safe and healthy for all involved. Due to the fluid nature of the Coronavirus outbreak, we cannot predict how long this may last.

We have had to make some very

11 03, 2020

Important update on SIRE and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

2020-06-17T16:35:00-05:00March 11th, 2020|

Dear friend of SIRE,

This is an important update on SIRE and the Coronavirus (COVID-19).

First a reminder that SIRE is closed all of next week for Spring break.

Since the initial news of the Coronavirus, SIRE management has been closely monitoring events and news to be prepared. In order to maintain the health and safety of everyone who visits SIRE we are

4 03, 2020

Lauded Instructor Named Top Coach

2020-06-17T16:37:43-05:00March 4th, 2020|

PJ Murray Honored for Boundless
Generosity as an Instructor

SIRE’s talented riders weren’t the only team members hauling home the hardware at Top Hands.

PJ landed the Steve Mack Top Coach Award. Involved with SIRE since 2007, PJ’s recognition by Top Hands’ officials for her instructional leadership, expertise and compassion confirms what SIRE clients,

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