Several weeks ago, SIRE sent surveys to riders, volunteers and staff asking for their feedback about if and when SIRE is able to re-open, would they return and what precautions they would like to see in place. The response was overwhelming! So many riders are ready to be back in the saddle at SIRE and likewise, our volunteers and horses are ready to see their riders.

Following the CDC guidelines, SIRE has prepared a phased-in plan to re-open June 9 with an abbreviated riding program at the Spring location. Shayna Bolton, Spring Site Manager, has been diligently working with her staff to create a schedule that will accommodate as many as 37 riders a week, while adhering to PATH guidelines and health and safety protocols.

Volunteers will be used in a variety of ways before, during and after each session. Activities like cleaning tack, washing hands, wiping down helmets, and more will become the “new norm.” The staff and volunteers all embrace this “new norm” because the reward of seeing the life-changing impact therapeutic riding is having on the riders is worth the extra effort.