4 03, 2020

Top Hands 2020 Success!

2020-06-17T16:40:59-05:00March 4th, 2020|

SIRE Riders Earn 64 Top Hands Medals

Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo time means go time at SIRE and not just for the western fashion statements and unbridled love of horses. SIRE’s bold, brave riding team makes its annual grand entrance into the iconic competition as part of the Top Hands Horse

15 01, 2020

Esteemed SIRE Instructor Lands Regional Award

2020-06-17T16:43:23-05:00January 15th, 2020|

SIRE’s Shayna BoltonSIRE’s Shayna Bolton considers being named 2020’s Credentialed Professional of the Year for Region 8 by the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl.) more than a personal accomplishment. On a broader scale, the accolade celebrates the program quality at the Spring facility where she is the site manager

20 12, 2019

Year End Appeal

2020-01-16T22:47:17-06:00December 20th, 2019|

Levi: Made Strong for SDR Surgery

Levi was born with cerebral palsy. His work at SIRE enabled him to have the selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery (SDR) last fall.

Please help us reach our year-end fundraising goal of $75,000 to help riders like Levi obtain the benefits that only therapeutic riding can provide.

27 11, 2019

Key Tech Tools for Professionals With Disabilities

2019-12-02T12:22:57-06:00November 27th, 2019|

If you are one of the nearly 50 million people with a disability in the United States, odds are you’re familiar with the wide range of technological tools available to help you navigate your personal life more easily. As technology has continued to advance, tech-oriented assistance is branching into the workplace as well.  Read on for a few tech

27 11, 2019

Onsite Sports Massage Plays Critical Role in Horse Wellness

2019-11-27T10:21:54-06:00November 27th, 2019|

If SIRE’s horses aren’t yawning, their equine managers know, perhaps, they should be.

Yawning, chewing, licking and mouth movements are predominant expressions of a horse relieving tension and body toxins during a therapeutic horse massage. Thanks to in-house and regularly visiting equine massage therapists, SIRE’s herd members enjoy these benefits on a regular basis. Along with keeping a parental-like but professionally

30 07, 2019

Volunteer Grandfather Pays It Forward at SIRE

2019-07-30T18:51:57-05:00July 30th, 2019|

Volunteer Grandfather Pays It Forward, Honors His Grandson’s Helpers

Halfway across the country, one of SIRE volunteer Randy Cochran’s six grandchildren lives with autism spectrum disorder. Seven-year-old Markus Randall, his namesake, resides in Virginia with Randy’s daughter and her active-duty military husband. Markus participates in various special programs to help him triumph and live his best life. Randy often thinks about

30 07, 2019


2021-12-01T21:14:27-06:00July 30th, 2019|


Thank you to everyone who participated in the All SIRE Horse Show. We had over 120 riders and guests participate in the day of activities. A special shout out to Team Mancuso Powersports and Can-Am for the Defender donation.

27 06, 2019

2019 SIRE Rider Survey Complete

2019-06-28T10:07:33-05:00June 27th, 2019|

Statistics Affirm Life-Changing Results 

Each new day at SIRE unveils another dimension of the powerful, healing connection between horse and human. We know this even without the analytics; however, we are elated when we see the numbers. Our riders and their families provide statistical proof that documents the success or our program and

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