4 03, 2020

Lauded Instructor Named Top Coach

2020-06-17T16:37:43-05:00March 4th, 2020|

PJ Murray Honored for Boundless
Generosity as an Instructor

SIRE’s talented riders weren’t the only team members hauling home the hardware at Top Hands.

PJ landed the Steve Mack Top Coach Award. Involved with SIRE since 2007, PJ’s recognition by Top Hands’ officials for her instructional leadership, expertise and compassion confirms what SIRE clients,

26 04, 2019


2019-04-28T16:00:01-05:00April 26th, 2019|

SIRE riders rely on the dedication of our incredible volunteers. Annually, SIRE volunteers donate more than 30,000 hours of service. This is equivalent to 15 full-time employees working for the entire year!

Recently at SIRE, each site held an appreciation event for volunteers and recognized those with 500+ and 1,000+ volunteer hours.  It is this dedication and passion that runs through

7 04, 2014

2014 Special Olympics Area 4 & 6

2018-12-27T20:14:13-06:00April 7th, 2014|

Over the weekend two of the three SIRE sites competed in area Special Olympics competitions. Ten riders from SIRE’s Hockley site competed and together won 7 gold medals, 7 silver medals, 4 bronze medals, and 3 fourth place awards. At the Spring site a whopping 17 SIRE clients competed and ended the day with 16 gold medals, 12 silver medals,

26 02, 2014

2014 Top Hands Show Results

2018-12-27T20:15:09-06:00February 26th, 2014|

In February, 59 SIRE riders competed in the show put on by the Houston Rodeo’s Special Children’s Committee. Riders from all over the state come to compete.

Congratulations! SIRE riders brought home 143 awards, including 18 first place belt buckles, 23 second place and 19 third place trophies.

All honored the “Top Hands King of the

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