Keeping Client-Riders in the Saddles
Lauren Igler competing at the All SIRE Horse Show
Derrick Perkins competing at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, Florida, May 2014.
“I’m proud to be able to wear my uniform
Lauren Igler competing at the All SIRE Horse Show
Derrick Perkins competing at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, Florida, May 2014.
“I’m proud to be able to wear my uniform
Check out the June issue of Heights Magazine, for stories about some of our supporters, clients, and volunteers who live in the Heights.
You merge onto the freeway, the
SIRE has been very grateful to receive support (and horses) from Keely’s mother, Jenny Booth. We’re so proud of Keely, who as a youngster volunteered at SIRE and supported SIRE events.
By placing in four Grand Prix Show Jumping
SIRE, Houston’s Therapeutic Equestrian Centers, will be hosting volunteer training on Saturday, August 23rd from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM at our sites in Hockley, Spring and Fort Bend.
You’ll be joining a great group doing a fantastic service for people with disabilities. In 2013, 550 SIRE volunteers served 33,268 hours valued at $736,570. Of our volunteers, ¼ are teenagers
On June 29th, as part of the Whole Foods Market Champions store Grand Opening, SIRE gave demonstrations and taught how we keep our horses at optimum health for the best experiences for our