13 08, 2014

Media Alert – Help Veterans Ride and more at SIRE Volunteer Training Aug 23

2018-12-01T01:05:26-06:00August 13th, 2014|

* * * MEDIA ALERT * * *

Help Veterans Ride and more at SIRE Volunteer Training Aug 23

If you know about horses or would like to learn about them, come to SIRE volunteer training Saturday August 23rd at one of SIRE’s three sites, Hockley (northwest), Spring (north) or Richmond, Fort Bend (southwest). Volunteers will have a chance to work with

14 07, 2014

Keeping Client-Riders in the Saddles

2018-09-28T17:50:59-05:00July 14th, 2014|

Lauren Igler competing at the All SIRE Horse Show Lauren Igler competing at the All SIRE Horse Show

aEL Derrick at Wellington (532x800) Derrick Perkins competing at the Adequan Global Dressage Festival in Wellington, Florida, May 2014.


“I’m proud to be able to wear my uniform

11 07, 2014

SIRE Supporter Keely McIntosh competing in Young Rider Championships

2018-09-28T17:51:29-05:00July 11th, 2014|


Keely McIntosh to represent Texas in the

FEI* North American Junior & Young Rider Championships


NAJYRC 2014 logoSIRE has been very grateful to receive support (and horses) from Keely’s mother, Jenny Booth. We’re so proud of Keely, who as a youngster volunteered at SIRE and supported SIRE events.

By placing in four Grand Prix Show Jumping

9 07, 2014

SIRE Arena Volunteer Training August 2014

2018-09-28T17:51:40-05:00July 9th, 2014|

SIRE, Houston’s Therapeutic Equestrian Centers, will be hosting volunteer training on Saturday, August 23rd from 8:30 AM to 2:00 PM at our sites in Hockley, Spring and Fort Bend.

You’ll be joining a great group doing a fantastic service for people with disabilities. In 2013, 550 SIRE volunteers served 33,268 hours valued at $736,570. Of our volunteers, ¼ are teenagers

7 07, 2014

SIRE Rider & Para-Dressage Athlete Derrick Perkins

2014-07-07T09:54:10-05:00July 7th, 2014|

Adequan Global Dressage Festival

Derrick wellington 3

All of SIRE watched in awe this spring as SIRE client (and so much more) Derrick Perkins began his campaign to represent the United States in international competition as a para-equestrian. Those of us who follow

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